Friday, November 28, 2014

Jurassic Park & Star Wars trailer reaction

We've had two new trailers for two big franchises and I've got some thoughts for the both of them.

First up, Jurassic World:

This is the fourth installment of the fondly remembered Jurassic Park franchise. Just to give a quick summation of my thoughts of the previous films: Jurassic Park - awesome, The Lost World - it had fun bits but got too preachy for me, Jurassic Park III - disappointing. As for this film, it looks amazing! This movie really seems to be upping the horror aspect a little more which is pretty good in my book. Also, Chris Pratt action hero. I am all for this. Especially since he seems to have a velociraptor army with him. So yeah, I'm stoked.

Now onto, Star Wars: The Force Awakens

First up quick summation of my thoughts of the franchise:  Stars Wars 4-6, amazing and timeless. Star Wars 1-3, while clearly flawed they do have good moments in them and shouldn't be completely shunned away. I mean come on Ewan McGregor was great as a young Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Now I know this is just a teaser, and yes that hilted lightsaber did make me tilt my head a little but I can't help it I'm stoked for it. I seriously want a full trailer now. I mean right now! GIVE IT TO ME! Sorry, lost control there. 

What are your thoughts? Share in the comments.

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