Sunday, May 6, 2018

30 Before 30 Bucket List


I turned 28 back in March. Which means I'm only two years away from going, "Oh dear God! I'm 30-years-old! What the hell have I done with my life?!"

A friend of mine, Kaity, actually turned 30 not too long ago and on her blog she wrote a blog checking off her '30 Before 30' list. She then followed it up with a '32 Before 32' list. Those lists can be seen at her blog (Bee)autiful Blessings. Check it out and support her.

These inspired me to come up with my own list. I know this is weird to post in a movie-related blog but I wanted to have it listed at a place where I can keep track of it - and people can probably hold me accountable in a way. But there are movie related things in it. So, I think we're good. 

Here we go:

1. Finish a screenplay/book/story idea of some kind. Some piece of writing that’s not a blog post or something related to my daytime job. At least get it done. Submitting it is a bonus. I’ve sat on these ideas for too long and I need to step up and get it done.

2. Visit The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas and if possible The Alamo Village in Bracketville, Texas. The Alamo has been something I’ve been fascinated with ever since I was kid and has, honestly, been an influence on several elements of my life. I’m not blinded by the romanticism of it but its still an interesting topic to me. Now, I know the Alamo Village is no longer in operation but it is still there.

3. Travel to New York City and/or Los Angeles. I’ve lived on this Earth for 28 years and I’ve never been to NYC and California. Hopefully I’ll visit one of these by the end of the year.

4. Do some volunteer work. Because I feel like I need to give back to people in some form.

5. Raise money for charities. I want to channel my frustration into something positive. The plan is to make a $5 donation every time I find myself getting incredibly angry about something instead of posting about it – 95% of the time it’ll be something political related. I'll donate $10 if I end up posting something angry. Consider this as a swear jar of sorts.

6. Do something that involves public speaking. Auditioning for a play, speaking somewhere, anything like that.

7. Start a Patreon page for this blog. But before that… see number 8.

8. Be more active in my blog writing. Obvious point is obvious. In regards to Patreon, I want to be able to have a consistent body of work. And no, this post will not count since it’s not a movie review or anything similar.

9. Watch all movies that won the Academy Award for Best Picture, Director, Acting, and Writing. I’ll try to watch as many of the other nominees as well. NOTE: I will not be watching the movies of Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Kevin Spacey and I’m sure there may be others I’ll skip. I’m sure you can figure out why I’m leaving them out.

10. Watch at least half of the movies nominated for similar categories at the Razzies. I decided half because I must keep my sanity somehow.

11. Read the books I own but haven’t read yet. I’m one of those guys who goes into a bookstore and pretty much walks around going, “that looks good, that looks good, that looks good” and I’ll leave with a stack of books. Its especially bad if it’s a used bookstore.

12. Watch the movies I own but haven’t watched yet. See number eleven.

13. Watch (in some cases listen to) all Doctor Who episode. I’ve already started but I want to watch it from beginning to the current day. I’d also like to do a retrospective on it.

14. Take up a fitness class. Yoga, boxing, something. I want to get more active and something like this could help me out.

15. Organize my home office. I should probably have an environment fit to do work and writing.

16. Practice video editing. I’ve been wanting to do the reviews in a video format in some way or talk about other things in this format.

17. Bake at least five dishes featured in the Great British Bake Off. I love the show and if they can make some great looking stuff then I can too. I may focus on the technical challenges since those will help me with baking skills in general.

18. Make half of the recipes featured in Eat What You Watch by Andrew Rea (Binging With Babish) and A Taste of Cowboy by Kent Rollins. I love these books and the personalities behind them. If you like cooking/food you should add these to your collection. EDIT: I've decided to include recipes from Babish's website because there's a lot more in there that I'd like to make.

19. Get under 200 pounds. I’m around 235 pounds right now and I’m so damn close. I know I’ll never look like Chris Evans or Chris Pratt or Chris Pine, I sure as hell won’t look Chris Hemsworth (man, there are a lot of famous Chris’ right now) but I want to lose my gut.

20. Make a voice acting demo. I’ve always enjoyed doing voices so it’d be cool to make one.

21. Walk three different hiking trails. This is just to get myself more active.

22. Read my Great-Uncle’s service letters. My Great-Uncle died long before I was born. He suffered from PTSD and killed himself. All we really have are the letters he sent to my Great-Grandmother during his service in the Korean War. I want to read them because I want to see what was going on with him.  And to just get an idea of who he was.

23. Visit the statues dedicated to Mr. Rogers and Jim Henson and get a photo with it. These are two men I greatly admire and have influenced me greatly. This is just a small form of me paying respect to them.

24. Go see three live shows. I’ve only been to a handful of live shows in my life. I feel like that shouldn’t be so.

25. Frame my pictures and posters. I’ve collected a bunch of posters and pictures (and taken a bunch of them), so I should probably get them framed and mounted.

26. Learns songs to play on guitar, mandolin and ukulele. I’ve had these instruments for years and outside of a few chords I want to at least have a song memorized so I can play on the fly. A song that’s not Free Fallin’ (no disrespect to Tom Petty).

27. Organize and catalog my books and movies. At this point, my collections are basically scattered about in my house. I’m sure you can find a DVD in my sock drawer.

28. Paint a Bob Ross-style painting. This is my small way of paying tribute to the man who gave us happy clouds and reminded us that we don't make mistakes we just have happy accidents.

29. Learn and make different cocktails. I think Cocktail Chemistry will help me out with that.

30. Try ten new restaurants. I stole this one from my friend Kaity’s 32 before 32 list. I love food and I’m always looking for great local restaurants.

So, there it is. I'm hoping to complete at least half of these. 

Wish me luck!

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